Manually Operated
Wrangler Head Gate

Self catching head gates are equipped with heavy duty neck extenders that move in parallel. This design uses no cables, and is entirely manual mechanically driven.

Swing Gate Calf
Maternity Separator

Very similar to 2W's 400,500,600 Series Heavy Duty Split Corral Gate, the maternity pen uses a swing gate attached to the main frame. This gate is used to separate the cow when caught in the head gate from its calf during maternity applications.

Heavy Duty Health
Centre Main Frame

A specialized main frame which houses the swing gate and head gate is constructed from heavy duty 2" 13 gauge heavy duty steel tube, and is the basis for the 2W Health Centre / Maternity Pen design.

Post Pin Style
Connecting System

All 2W Heady-Duty products utilize the 2W "Post Pin" connecting system. This system uses a shaped steel rod paired with shaped clips to fasten posts to panels. This systems allows for minute play so as to aid with odd fitment or change in terrain while at the same time ensuring that once the connection is made, it will never separate due to cattle pressure.


Box 39
Quill Creek, SK.,
CA. S0A3E0


Email: support@quillcreekfarm
Phone: 306-383-3900
Store 306-287-0303